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Joshua & Kendra

Waiting Families

Greetings! We (Josh and Kendra) would love to share a little about ourselves!

We love plants and animals. We have a dog named Daisy, a cat named Bird, many fish, and so many plants around our home. Our sunflowers grow quite tall out in the front yard and are home to little bumblebees. Kendra loves her garden with her green thumb. And Josh is a jack-of-all-trades with a passion for outer space. We live in a cute two-story duplex in a quiet neighbourhood, where it’s easy to stargaze.

One of our biggest dreams is to become parents, and we believe adoption is how we are meant to grow our family. We are excited to honour the journey that is to come. Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about us. Wishing you all the best,

Josh and Kendra

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