Waiting Families
Christopher and Angela’s Story
Hello there! We are Angela and Christopher – two best friends who met long ago and finally decided to get married and grow old together. Angela works as a pediatric pharmacist and Christopher is an engineer. We have a house with a yard and garden which we love to spend time in. Shortly after getting married, we joined forces with a black rescue cat named Spooky. He keeps us on our toes as he’s constantly trying to escape into the neighbourhood. Both of us are lucky to have supportive parents, siblings whom we are close to, nephews, and a great group of friends. With Mother Nature unable to provide a little one of our own, we decided adoption was the way we wanted to add to our family. Learning about open adoption has us excited for all the challenges and joys it will bring to our lives. While we are waiting, you can find Angela baking yummy cookies, doing home renovations, knitting, playing the piano or spending time outside listening to her favourite 80s music. You may find Christopher out in the garage working on his car, drawing, running, or painting tiny models in his secret hideout. Together we enjoy board game nights with friends, going to movies, bike rides, camping, and having bubble baths in our big tub. Hopefully you have learned a bit about us here. We truly wish all the best for you.