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Welcome Home and Into Your Forever Family

The Walker family would like to introduce their daughter Opal! They returned from India to Canada just after Thanksgiving weekend. Congratulations to your entire family, welcome home and into your forever family Opal!

“Our journey to Opal-Karishma wasn’t the easiest and at times was filled with hardships and heartache but the moment in India we held that screaming baby in our arms all those crummy memories of difficult moments melted away.

We have many to thank getting us to this point but much love goes out to Liz for all the counselling and care during the crazy times. One thing always stuck, she asked “Would you spend your life regretting it if you said no?” And I knew in that moment I would. Now with all those fears and doubts totally gone, we can see we were definitely meant to be together and we are so excited to start our lives as a family of five!

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