Join us for this upcoming FULL DAY educative session on “Attachment in Adoption” with renowned expert and author, Terra Bovingdon! Terra is an experienced Child and Family Therapist with over 20 years of specialization in the areas of adoption, attachment, trauma, and brain development. She has been a featured speaker with Adoption Options on a number of previous occasions, and praise for Terra’s sessions are glowing!
Participants of this educative session can expect to learn about the impact of separation and loss, and how experiences of trauma can impact the developing brain. An overview of the significance of attachment, what happens when it is severed, and how to repair it will be discussed. Finally, Terra will provide practical strategies for parents wishing to learn and implement a therapeutic parenting approach in support of their adopted child’s unique needs.
This session is HIGHLY encouraged for ALL waiting families, particularly those interested in adopting a non-newborn child or a child who has had adverse early life experiences. Participants of this educative session can expect to learn about the impact of separation and loss and how experiences of trauma can impact the developing brain. An overview of the significance of attachment, what happens when it is severed, and how to repair it will be discussed. Finally, Terra will provide practical strategies for parents wishing to learn and implement a therapeutic parenting approach in support of their adopted child’s unique needs.
Registration Process:
Date: April 13, 2024
Time: 9:30-3:30pm (lunch break will be provided)
Platform: Online via ZOOM
Cost: $60/registered screen
Payment: can be made by e-transfer to aoedm@adoptionoptions.com (please include a note indicating your name/alias and that your payment is for the APRIL learning series)
Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZApce-grjIjGtBgfBMF08momrCqjP8KuV6i
Note: your registration cannot be confirmed until BOTH your zoom registration and payment has been received.