Where having a girl child is a taboo in some countries, Harnoor came as a blessing to us. A third daughter to her biological parents where she never received a smile back from her parents and grandparents, she brought smile to us and to our elders. After 23 years of yearning for a child, Harnoor came in our lives in May 2017. With a heart of gold, smile like a silver linings and arms of acceptance she completed us as a parent. Growing with her is immense fun and joy. The road to achieve our dream only became possible when in the month of January 2016 we called Adoption Options and spoke to Liz Gifford. When we told her that we are seeking international adoption and that through India, she was excited to help us and at the same time informed us the complications involved as time and jurisdiction plays role of long waits. I still remember she said nothing will happen unless you decide to proceed with an international adoption and those words really made me to believe that “Yes, we Will”. In December 2016 when we went to India to meet our daughter we were overwhelmed and wanted to bring her back with us. We faced lots of hurdles but in the end with continuously working with Adoption Options and esteemed Alberta government we finally are living our dream.
Gurpreet and Sanjay