Darren and I are so proud to introduce Bren Anthony Michael! He was born to his loving birth mother on December 2nd two weeks overdue and a very healthy 7lbs 13oz, 20 inches long. We learned of Bren’s existence on December 10th, had a really special match meeting with his birth mom and grandmother on Dec 11th and then met Bren on Dec 12th. We were overwhelmed with gratitude to learn that Bren’s birth family (birth mom, birth grandmother and half siblings) together chose Darren and I to adore and raise the wee one they named Anthony Michael <3
To say we were surprised to get the call is an understatement! After 5 years of losses, including miscarriages and unsuccessful fertility treatments, we moved forward with the next chapter of our journey with Adoption Options in January 2020. What a year 2020 has been… what a story our little family now shares! Our families and friends, who beared witness to our challenges, are over the moon excited for us and we look forward to the day we can share Bren with them in person.
Bren is not yet home but we could not wait to share the news of the best Christmas present ever! His little lungs have been healing from meconium aspiration and we are ever so thankful for the wonderful women, “aunties”, who care for him in NICU. Not only are they caring for him, but they are mentoring us as new parents. It’s amazing to hear from them that Bren is at his most content when we are there to love, care for and snuggle him.
Bren, who’s named in loving memory of my Mom Brenda, is a content, resilient, strong baby who is now one month old and 9lbs 8oz. He’s outgrown newborn onesies and newborn soothers! He’s alert, loves to stretch and follow the action… and he’s smiling which just about makes our hearts burst! We can’t wait to bring him home.
Thank you to all the wonderful staff at AO, especially Heather who did our home study, Rebecca who fields all our calls and correspondence and Chantelle who surprised us with a life changing phone call on Dec 10th <3
Wishing everyone reading this all the best in 2021… keep walking towards your dream <3
Heather, Darren & Bren