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April Domestic Adoption Educational Seminar

Date: 04/25/2025 Event Type: Seminar

The cost for the seminar is $1200.

This two full-day course is currently offered via video conferencing until further notice.

At this course you learn about birthparents and their needs, learn about the legal aspects and the court process, explore your feelings regarding infertility, hear first hand from birthparents and adoptive parents who have open adoptions facilitated through our agency. And you will have many more questions answered regarding open adoption, contact with the birthparents, and talking to your child about his/her adoption.

Government regulations state that pre-adoption counseling covering a number of specified topic areas must be provided before approval. We feel that this is best done in a group setting. This gives you an opportunity to learn how open adoption really works before you take the next steps in the process. It is our policy that ALL applicants attend the seminar.

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Looking to take the next step on your Adoption Journey?

We are here to give dedicated, unbiased support. We are inclusive, and everyone involved is treated with dignity, respect and absolute honesty. By reaching out to us, we promise you can make an informed decision and the right decision for you. Reach out to us today.

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